Beach Club Management Software

Fourvenues allows you to have, in a single application, everything you need to offer an exceptional service to all your customers. Manage all your tables with total flexibility in real time. We make your life easier by optimising and digitising your management processes.

Full access without credit card registration

The Beach Clubs management application you need

Get to know your customers in depth and create unique experiences according to their tastes and needs.

Modify prices, spaces, reservations in a matter of seconds. Make any change quickly and easily.

Monitor your business performance in real time through our dashboard.

Increase the rotation of your spaces with the aid of our algorithm.

Space management

Know the capacity in real time of your Beach Club and make the most of your spaces.

With Fourvenues you will have an interactive map with all your areas and spaces, where you will be able to carry out any action in seconds.

Easily modify prices, assign bookings to spaces and receive them in two clicks.

Know your customers' consumption in real time, analyse their tastes and much more.

Manage the occupancy of your Beach Club or Lounge and maximize the profitability of your spaces.

Offer unique personalize experiences

Have all your business information at your fingertips on a dashboard allowing you to see the evolution of your business throughout the day.

Total turnover data

Consumption per table

Dwell times per space

Attendance rates

Space optimisation

Increase the profitability of your spaces by increasing their rotation and don't leave any free table without billing. Obtain it automatically following the recommended allocation of our algorithm.

Assignment of random tables

Automatic recommended tables

Payment of booking deposits

Maximum time depending on the number of diners

Manage from a single platform all your festivals and events
Keep control of everything in just one click.

Ticket sale


Get to know your customers in depth and offer a personalised service that will surprise them time and time again.

Collects information on each reservation: tastes, allergies, products consumed... as well as area or recurrence preferences. Be ahead of their expectations and surprise them whenever they come.

Communicate directly with them through personalized emails or SMS. Create personalized audiences according to the profile you want to address and achieve more effective marketing campaigns.

Performance reports

Get the most out of your beach location by making decisions based on real business data.

We are very strict with our privacy policy: all data collected will be for private use only and will not be passed on to external public or private companies. Only you will have access to them.

Customer report

Find out about them: gender, age, address, tastes...

Tariff report

Analyse the most popular prices for your audience.

Ticket report

Analyse sales by hours, days or months.

Channel count

All your sales filtered by services and with PR ranking.


Register as many businesses as you have and manage them all from the same platform with a single user.

Regardless of whether they are other nightlife venues, restaurants, large events or lounges. With Fourvenues you have the solution.